Active Runner in Focus - Consolidated Operations Group Limited (COG.AX)

Shares of Consolidated Operations Group Limited (COG.AX) have seen the needle move 0.00% or 0.00 in the most recent session. The ASX listed company saw a recent bid of 0.125 on 147553 volume.

Investors are frequently looking for any possible way to get a leg up in the market. This may involve committing to plan that will hopefully outperform the market and maximize profits. Many investors will choose to employ top-down analysis. Top-down analysis involves examining the big picture of the economy and the world of finance. After studying global economic conditions, investors may then analyze different sectors that are possibly well positioned to beat the market. After identifying the sector or sectors, investors may then do further analysis of stocks within the specific industry in order to find firms that are successful and primed for growth. Other individual investors may choose to go with bottom-up analysis when looking for stock to add to the portfolio. The bottom-up approach takes the emphasis off of the power and significance of market and economic cycles. Investors may focus on individual companies and not worry so much about the specific industry or economy in general. 

Turning to Return on Assets or ROA, Consolidated Operations Group Limited (COG.AX) has a current ROA of 2.14. This is a profitability ratio that measures net income generated from total company assets during a given period. This ratio reveals how quick a company can turn it’s assets into profits. In other words, the ratio provides insight into the profitability of a firm’s assets. The ratio is calculated by dividing total net income by the average total assets.

A higher ROA compared to peers in the same industry, would suggest that company management is able to effectively generate profits from their assets. Similar to the other ratios, a lower number might raise red flags about management’s ability when compared to other companies in a similar sector.

Now let’s take a look at how the fundamentals are stacking up for Consolidated Operations Group Limited (COG.AX). Fundamental analysis takes into consideration market, industry and stock conditions to help determine if the shares are correctly valued. Consolidated Operations Group Limited currently has a yearly EPS of 0.02. This number is derived from the total net income divided by shares outstanding. In other words, EPS reveals how profitable a company is on a share owner basis.

Another key indicator that can help investors determine if a stock might be a quality investment is the Return on Equity or ROE. Consolidated Operations Group Limited (COG.AX) currently has Return on Equity of 2.65. ROE is a ratio that measures profits generated from the investments received from shareholders.

In other words, the ratio reveals how effective the firm is at turning shareholder investment into company profits. A company with high ROE typically reflects well on management and how well a company is run at a high level. A firm with a lower ROE might encourage potential investors to dig further to see why profits aren’t being generated from shareholder money.

Another ratio we can look at is the Return on Invested Capital or more commonly referred to as ROIC. Consolidated Operations Group Limited (COG.AX) has a current ROIC of 2.54. ROIC is calculated by dividing Net Income - Dividends by Total Capital Invested. Similar to ROE, ROIC measures how effectively company management is using invested capital to generate company income. A high ROIC number typically reflects positively on company management while a low number typically reflects the opposite. 

Most people highly dislike losing. This is no different for individuals trading the stock market. Successful traders tend to be highly adept at managing risk and creating detailed trading plans. Consistently beating the market is no easy task. Many traders and investors will spend countless hours trying to figure it all out. Some people will continue to do their homework and put in the required time and effort. Others may burn out hot and fast wondering what happened. Markets can be cruel, and being prepared for various scenarios can help the trader better manage the trading seas when markets become rocky.

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