Arcadia Bio Cmn Stk (RKDA): Where do the Charts Think The Stock is Heading?

Checking in on the short-term signals on Arcadia Bio Cmn Stk (RKDA), we note that the current 7-day average directional indicator is Buy.

This signal may be used to determine the market trend. The 7-day directional strength is Weak . This trend strength indicator measures the signal based on historical performance where minimum would represent the weakest, and maximum would indicate the strongest.

The 7-day average directional direction is currently Weakest. This signal indicates whether the Buy or Sell signal is getting stronger or weakening, or whether the Hold is heading towards a Buy or Sell.

Taking a look at some other key metrics, we can see that the 10-day moving average Hilo channel is currently Hold. This indicator calculates the moving average based on highs/lows rather than the closing price. The direction of the signal is currently Bearish.

Looking at some other short-term indicators, Arcadia Bio Cmn Stk (RKDA) has a 20-day moving average vs price of Buy. This is the signal from the 20-day MA which is used to monitor changes in stock price. The current signal strength is Minimum and the direction has been noted as Weakest. The 20-50 day MACD Oscillator signal is presently Sell. The strength is presently Minimum and the direction is Weakest.

Focusing in on the 20-Day Bollinger Bands signal for Arcadia Bio Cmn Stk (RKDA), the current reading is Hold. This short-term indicator may be used to help spot oversold and overbought conditions.

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